by poolbuilder_rocket | Apr 19, 2012 | Uncategorized
In the previous post, we learned that soil is the support for a swimming pool. The moisture content of the soil is also a critical factor. Too much or too little water is not good. It’s water that makes soil. Think about desert areas for a moment—shifting sands? Water...
by poolbuilder_rocket | Apr 19, 2012 | Swimming Pools
Soil and site preparation is a critical starting point for your backyard resort. Soil weighs about twice as much as water and is the support for your pool. It is critical to examine the space and determine what, if anything, needs to be done to prep or amend the area...
by poolbuilder_rocket | Dec 8, 2011 | Commercial
New regulations about public swimming pools being ADA compliant are in place as of March 15, 2012.•Accessible means of entry/exit are required for swimming pools. This includes a pool lift or sloped entry, and pools over 300 linear feet will also need either a...
by poolbuilder_rocket | Sep 28, 2011 | Swimming Pools
Fall is a great time to get going on creating your new environment. When you get the details taken of ahead of time you’ll shorten your execution time and give yourself a longer swim season come Spring! Pool Tech listens very closely to you and all our customers to...
by poolbuilder_rocket | Sep 28, 2011 | Swimming Pools
Inspiration: a Public Pool and an Italian Villa This customer in Fairfield, Iowa wanted to create a backyard swimming pool and environment that visually reminded them of a favorite vacation in Italy. A small pool was desired, reminiscent of Italian-style villas, and...