Fall is a great time to get going on creating your new environment. When you get the details taken of ahead of time you’ll shorten your execution time and give yourself a longer swim season come Spring!
Pool Tech listens very closely to you and all our customers to collaborate in creating the environment that meets your needs and fulfills your wishes. How you want to use the space is a critical concern. Once our architects and designers develop a custom plan you approve, there are many things in the fall we can do to prepare your site for early construction. We always encourage soil borings. Finding out what lies under your yard BEFORE digging saves costly surprises later.
Construction requires heavy machinery, and the ground in Iowa in the spring can be a ‘little’ muddy. Fall is a great time to put in a temporary path so we don’t need to wait for the ground to firm up in the Spring.
Another aspect of site preparation is removing any necessary trees, rocks, exisiting patios and so on. Let the freeze/thaw of an Iowa winter help settle the ground ahead of building.
Then you can take your time looking at tile samples, pool finishes. Look out the window this winter and imagine drinking hot cocoa in your custom spa next winter. Pool Tech is ready to get a step ahead with you!