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Inspiration: a Public Pool and an Italian Villa

This customer in Fairfield, Iowa wanted to create a backyard swimming pool and environment that visually reminded them of a favorite vacation in Italy. A small pool was desired, reminiscent of Italian-style villas, and safety and enjoyment for young grandchildren were a given.

Public pools have “gutters” surrounding them that patrons can sit on and that is what our client wanted for his grandchildren to enjoy. A gutter is quite an expense, so our solution was to create a sun shelf surrounding the pool to allow the kids to sit around the entire pool. At one end of the swimming pool the sun shelf is large enough to lounge on a beach chair, or just to stretch out.

For safety reasons as well as to prevent heat loss, this pool was designed with an auto cover.  Auto covers are sturdy enough to prevent a child from falling into the pool, giving peace-of-mind to cautious grandparents! A simple touch of a button to open or close the cover is so easy! The pool can be warmed up to suit the swimmers and the auto cover keeps the warmth for the next day.

Many folks enjoy their outdoor living space just for its beauty. The reflective qualities of the dark finish of this pool enhance the natural environment it is set in. The tile color and style and the wall surrounding the pool, set in the woods, create the Italian Villa look that was desired.

Pool Tech can take on any challenge, creating unique spaces gives us the opportunity to be at our best!

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